Sunday 30 October 2016

Wonder diary entry: Jack's diary written by George

Dear Diary,

The past two days have been very unusual.  Let me tell you what happened.  It was a normal morning when out of the blue my Mum got a message from Mr. Tushman (the head teacher of my school Beacher Prep.)  Mr. Tushman said that he wanted Charlotte, Julian and I to take a boy called August for a tour around our school.

I arrived at the school the next day.  Julian and Charlotte were already there so we went into Mr. Tushman’s office.  Then Mrs. G told us to go in, so we did.  Inside was a scary boy.  His face looked all mangled up.  His eyes were an inch below where they should be and on an extreme angle, like in a diagonal line.  I think he had a cleft palate.  I had a feeling that he must have been in a fire so I put out my hand and gave him a handshake.  The others did the same. Whilst Mr. Tushman and the boy’s mum finished their talk, we gave the boy a tour.

I felt quite nervous about giving August a tour because I was worried that Julian would be mean to him.  Julian is one of those boys who is nice to adults but mean to children.  I’m worried that August is going to get badly bullied by Julian. 

Written by George.

Wonder diary entry: Via's diary by Phoebe

Dear Diary,

          Today has been a stressful day! From Miranda and Ella to August, this day has been the worst day of my life. I didn’t think this would happen but Miranda and Ella have changed completely over the summer and August won’t tell me how his day was.

          It all started in eighth period when Miranda reminded me that I was going home with her today. As she said that, I felt my tummy churn. The thing is I can’t imagine me and the new Miranda sitting in a car together because she’s all pink hair, scruffy clothes and I’m smart clothes, neat hair. I couldn’t think of an excuse so I blurted out that “my mum had just texted me to say that she could take me home”.

          After school, I had to duck out of the way so Miranda’s mum wouldn’t see me. I ran three blocks to the bus stop and hopped on the M86 with ease. As soon as I got home, mum stepped out of the door to greet me and asked,” Hey there sweetie. How was your day?” When I’d finally got in mum asked about why Miranda wasn’t with me, and why I was late. I just came up with a lame excuse about how we stopped off for pizza along the way and Miranda had to zoom off. I wanted to get away from mum because I wanted to know how August’s day was. When I was half way up the stairs, I shouted down that I had a lot of homework to do.

          As I entered August’s room, he looked up from his play station and then carried on playing. I tried to get him to talk about his day, but all he said was fine. I knew it wasn’t a good day, that’s why he wasn’t talking to me about it. Inside, I was fuming angrily like a tiger. August has always told me when he was feeling sad or offended and to add to my anger mum wouldn’t tell me either. I just hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

                                                                                Written by Phoebe          

Wonder diary entry: Jack's diary by Aston

Jack Will’s Diary

Dear Diary,

Today, has been an unexpected day. I was approached by Mr. Tushman to go back into school and to give a boy a tour, but not an ordinary boy. This boy is called August. August’s eyes are about an inch below where they should be on his face, almost to half way down his cheek. They slant downwards at an extreme angle.

When I saw August at school it wasn’t the first time I had seen him. The first time I saw him was in Carvel at Amefort Avenue when I was getting ice cream with my baby sitter. I turned my head to suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone and suddenly I saw August for the first time. To be honest at first I went, “Uhh!” and I was kind of scared.

Today when I saw him at school I was getting used to it so it wasn’t as much as a shock as last time. I still felt uncomfortable at school. I feel kind of worried for August going to school for the first time. I also hope jerk Julian isn’t too mean to August.

Written by Aston  

Wonder diary entry: Summer's diary by Tom

Dear Diary,

              Today I made a new friend, his name is August and you could say that he has a slight deformity, OK, it’s quite a huge deformity. His eyes are on his cheeks and he has a scar on his lip, He’s quite ugly. He was sitting on a dinner table by himself so I went over to join him. No big deal but everyone keeps trying to make a big deal of it. He seems to like Jack and Auggie is actually quite nice. Our names match, Summer, August, So we invented the summer table. Anyone with a Summer name can sit on it, although if they don’t have a summer name but they’re really nice they can still sit down there. 

I’ve noticed that since I started hanging out with Auggie there has been a lot less of touching me. Probably something to do with that jerk Julian. I hate Julian, I knew that he would have some sort of problem about looks, It annoys me sooooo much when people stare or look away quickly. It’s not like he’s got some zombie plague virus. He just looks different. Don’t judge a person by his looks, that is something that I have learnt. People can be sooooo, sooooo stupid sometimes when it comes to looks. If I didn’t know that Auggie was a nice person, maybe I would be mean and yes I would probably call Auggie zombie and freak behind his back too. But that’s my problem. Why do we judge a book by its cover even though we’ve heard the saying 500 times?

By Tom

Wonder diary entry: Jack's diary by Sephy

Jack’s Diary
Dear Diary,
Today I used my hand for something other than writing. I was on my way to Ms. Rubin’s science class. I walked slowly to my usual desk and put up with the boring science. All of a sudden, Ms. Rubin started putting us into pairs. “Reid and Triston, Maya and Max, Charlotte and Ximena, August and Jack, Julian and Henry, Savanna and…” 
I wasn’t listening to the rest. The bell rang. I had just realised why August wasn’t talking to me. Summer Dawson had told me “Bleeding Scream” as a hint. It was August. He was dressed up as Bleeding Scream on Halloween. I was an idiot. I said, well… things. Now I am partners with him in the science fair project!
Quickly and quietly, Julian walked over to me. I glared at him. It was his fault, all his fault. “You must be so annoyed at being put with him!” He smirked as he said this. I hated him. “You know, you could ask Ms. Rubin to switch partners, I bet she’d let you.”
“No Julian,” I whisper-screamed, but he’d done it.
“Miss, Jack and I had this science fair project in mind, so could we switch partners?”
“Well I guess we could arrange that…” she started to say,
“No, its fine, bye!” I called as I ran out of the room. Julian caught up with me. “Why did you do that?” he asked, “you don’t have to be friends with that freak if you don’t want to…” And that’s when I punched him, right in the mouth. I regret it. Although I hate him, I regret it. 
By Sephy

Wonder diary entry: Summer's diary by Niamh

Dear Diary,

Today has been horrible; it has left me in an uncomfortable position and has made me feel even more sorry for August. Literally, every kid in our grade kept confronting me and asking me why I am hanging out with August so much and they kept calling him names. It was just out of order. I didn’t know why sitting with Auggie Pullman would be such a big deal. Why do people have to be so difficult?
First of all, everyone was interfering in all my conversations and asking me, “Why are you hanging out with the freak so much?” Whenever, or if ever, people ask me that I just answer the same thing every time, “B ecause he’s a nice kid and don’t call August that!” After that, Ximena Chin butted in and stated, “You’re a saint Summer, I couldn’t do what you are doing.” Feeling as if I was the centre of attention throughout the whole school, I announced, “It’s not a big deal.” Cause it isn’t. People probably think that I was hanging out with Auggie to make a good impression, but I’m not. I’m just being nice to Auggie, a befriended kid. Suddenly, out of the blue, Charlotte Cody asked, “Did Mr T (Tushman) ask you to be friends with you know who?” Oh, I knew who. At that moment I started to feel quite annoyed (and a bit claustrophobic from everyone crowding around me!) Then I shouted, “I’m friends with him because I want to be, ok?” At that, I walked awkwardly away, feeling more and more sorry for August with every step I took.

Anyway, those kids are just weird - well that’s what I think. Yes, Auggie looks different and it takes a bit of getting used to but they should just treat him like a normal kid, like he is, like I do.

 By Niamh

Wonder diary entry: Via's diary by Max

Dear Diary,                   
Today was a strange day; I went to high school and I saw Miranda and Ella but they were like totally different. Miranda had pink hair and Ella had different clothes on. After that I had lunch with Miranda and Ella, it felt so awkward. It’s so weird Miranda and Ella have become really popular. So while we were eating lunch I said, “see you later,” and walked off.
In eighth period Miranda said, “I hear we are driving you home today.” She had just sat behind me. I remembered Mum had called Miranda’s mum to pick me up. So without thinking I shouted, “You don’t have to my mum can pick me up.” So half an hour later I ran three blocks to the bus stop and took m86 to central west and got the subway. When I got home mum was on the step greeting me. I said hi and made an excuse why I was so, so, so late and rushed up stairs and went into August’s room. August was on his play station.  I asked if he had a good day. He just said, “It was fine.” I felt annoyed because August wasn’t looking at me, just looking at his dumb game. After that I stormed out of his room and walked into my room. Today was the most stressful day of my life, I thought. I sat down I was exhausted. Then I started crying, I put my face on my pillow. My pillow started soaking up my salty tears and that made me cry even more.  
By Max