Sunday 30 October 2016

Wonder diary entry: Via's diary by Phoebe

Dear Diary,

          Today has been a stressful day! From Miranda and Ella to August, this day has been the worst day of my life. I didn’t think this would happen but Miranda and Ella have changed completely over the summer and August won’t tell me how his day was.

          It all started in eighth period when Miranda reminded me that I was going home with her today. As she said that, I felt my tummy churn. The thing is I can’t imagine me and the new Miranda sitting in a car together because she’s all pink hair, scruffy clothes and I’m smart clothes, neat hair. I couldn’t think of an excuse so I blurted out that “my mum had just texted me to say that she could take me home”.

          After school, I had to duck out of the way so Miranda’s mum wouldn’t see me. I ran three blocks to the bus stop and hopped on the M86 with ease. As soon as I got home, mum stepped out of the door to greet me and asked,” Hey there sweetie. How was your day?” When I’d finally got in mum asked about why Miranda wasn’t with me, and why I was late. I just came up with a lame excuse about how we stopped off for pizza along the way and Miranda had to zoom off. I wanted to get away from mum because I wanted to know how August’s day was. When I was half way up the stairs, I shouted down that I had a lot of homework to do.

          As I entered August’s room, he looked up from his play station and then carried on playing. I tried to get him to talk about his day, but all he said was fine. I knew it wasn’t a good day, that’s why he wasn’t talking to me about it. Inside, I was fuming angrily like a tiger. August has always told me when he was feeling sad or offended and to add to my anger mum wouldn’t tell me either. I just hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

                                                                                Written by Phoebe          

1 comment:

  1. This is very good and well written but it can be improved if you use more language techniques like similes and adverbs. Great work by the way Phoebe!!!!
