Sunday 30 October 2016

Wonder diary entry: Via's diary by Daisy

Dear Diary,
I wish today never happened and that I could just throw it away like it was a piece of rubbish. Anyway, here’s what happened. 

I was amazed how fast high school came along. I was really excited to be seeing my best friends, Miranda and Ella, because I hadn’t seen them at all in the summer holidays. When I got to my new school, I searched everywhere for them. I eventually found them and they were acting like complete jerks. Miranda had dyed her hair bright pink and was wearing a striped tube top which wasn’t her usual style. Ella wasn’t acting usual either, but it wasn’t as bad. My face felt hot and my smile was fake as I walked over to them.

Then, Miranda told me that she was taking me home. This was a nightmare for me. I blurted out “Mom’s picking me up, she just texted me.” I found it incredibly easy for a lie to just slip right through my lips. Fortunately, she didn’t notice how I was pulling a really weird ‘believe me’ face. All she answered was “okay.” So, I hid so that Miranda’s mom wouldn’t see me and waited for about half an hour all stressed and then picked up the subway. If Mom found out that I’d picked up the subway by myself, she’d be absolutely furious. And that’s not good. 

When I got home, I was in a very bad mood. To try to change it, I asked how August’s day was. Mom said good. I wanted a better answer than good so I tried to go into Auggie’s room but Mom stopped me by asking loads of irritating questions like: “Where were you guys?” “Where’s Miranda?” I told her that we stopped for pizza and we had a lot of homework to do. So again she asked another question, “On your first day?” After that was a lot of yelling so I stormed into Auggie’s room. I don’t know what’s up with me and lying today.

When I tried to ask August how his day was, he kept answering “fine.” He wasn’t looking up from his play station and he wasn’t even bothering to answer me properly so I ended up snatching it off him. “Hey!” he argued with me. I could tell that something was up so I asked him “No one was mean?”

“Why would anyone be mean?” It broke my heart to hear him be sarcastic. August has never been sarcastic in his life. I ran into my bedroom with madness creeping up my back and when I got up I found his padawan braid lying on the floor…

By Daisy.

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