Sunday 30 October 2016

Wonder diary entry: Summer's diary by Hattie

Summer’s Diary
Dear Diary, 
Today has been the most amazingly awesome day ever; today has left me with a new friend who is so funny. Unusually at lunch there was a new boy (who I had been told had never been to school before) sitting all alone at a table looking down, he didn’t even look up once. I felt sorry for him so I walked about 5 steps and as I got closer I realised why there wasn’t anyone sitting with him. People are so mean sometimes. No-one was sitting with him because of his face. His eyes were about half an inch below were they should be and they slanted downward at an extreme angle. He didn’t have any eyebrows or eyelashes; his nose was disproportionately big for his face and he had a tortoise like mouth. Again people are so mean. I felt horrible because he probably thought that school was a bad place.

I walked over and asked, “Hey is this seat taken?”

He replied, “Uh, no.” So I plopped my bag down on the floor and sat down. I told him my name was Summer and asked him what his was. He muttered, “August.” I thought for a moment and realised our names kind of matched. I told him this and he nodded, “Yeah.” One of my best friends came over with her lunch plate and asked why I was sitting there, “The other table was too crowded,” I lied.

I came up with an idea that our table could be called the “Summer table.” Only people with a summer related name could sit at our table. We came up with Maya (we made an exception for a  May name), Julian (from June), Reid (it reminded me of a reed of grass), Ms Petosa (Petosa sounds like petal) and August even came up with a reason why Jack Will had a summer name (Jack will go to the beach!) I let him have that because I knew he really liked Jack.

I like August and I hope he likes me too, I also want to be friends. Hopefully everyone will accept him for what he is and not for what he looks like.  Written by Hattie

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