Tuesday 18 October 2016

Wonder diary entry: Via's diary by Elly

Dear Diary,                           
Today has been my first day of high school. It has been eventful and has left me lonely. My two best friends (Miranda and Ella) just out of nowhere have started changing their style. Miranda had cut her hair into a very stylish bob and dyed it bright pink. I could even spot differences in Ella’s clothes. It was weird because I have texted them all summer on my phone but they never answered; I can definitely say that they have been meeting up without me over the holidays.
We had lunch together like we used to but it felt awkward; I felt myself going red and my smile becoming fake. I wanted to cry but I held it in. Then suddenly, randomly, with a lump in my throat, I said “I’ll see you later.” Then I left to go to my next class. Later that day in eighth period Miranda sat down behind me and I could tell she was going to say something because she was looking at me with her mouth open. “I think we’re driving you home today?” Miranda finally said. I had completely forgotten that Mom had asked if Miranda’s Mom could pick me up today.  “You don’t have to,” I replied casually. “Mom just texted me to say she can pick me up.” I lied but I didn’t want to drive home with the new Miranda; I just couldn't imagine it.
I got home an hour later than I should have done. Mom was asking why I got home so late so I blurted out, “we stopped for pizza!” It was so easy to lie. “Miranda went straight home. We have piles of homework!” I continued.  
“It is only your first day!” Mom had just said but I wasn’t listening. I just went to my brother’s room to see how his day was.

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